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Shiatsu Massage Benefits

Shiatsu massage is a great way to reduce anxiety, stress and depression. The technique also increases dopamine levels and serotonin levels in the body. This can help promote psychological well-being. Shiatsu treatments regularly may aid in easing menstrual cramps. Shiatsu can improve blood circulation and decrease inflammation, stress and increase immunity, which may make you more active and healthier. Shiatsu is a great way to ease depression and physical pain.

Massages using Shiatsu can be beneficial due to a variety of reasons. A major reason for this is to help promote healthy digestion. The type of massage that is used stimulates the colon and intestinal muscles that allow nutrients to absorb more easily into the body. It can be an effective and efficient treatment for constipation. But, this kind of massage could carry a few risks. If you have had a history of pregnancy, miscarriage or medical conditions must get the guidance of a doctor before undergoing shiatsu massages.

For shiatsu massage to be efficient, the massage therapist should begin by taking a full medical record. If the patient is pregnant and the therapist is concerned about the risk of miscarriage, the client should stay certain body parts since pressure on those areas could increase the risk of the mishap. Also, the therapist must delay treatments if the patient is afflicted by a fever. While there is no proof of advantages to shiatsu for health, many people find it helpful to treat the symptoms of specific diseases and reduce the severity of their conditions.

The Shiatsu Massage can offer a variety of benefits, but it's best to consult with your physician regarding the possible health risk before you start any treatment. Shiatsu, for instance, can help improve posture, reduce headaches, help with coughs and colds as well as improve blood circulation. When used in conjunction with other therapies, shiatsu can also help anxiety and depression. Shiatsu massage may help to relieve depression and anxiety.

Shiatsu, a natural therapy which can help ease pain and boost the quality of life, has been in use since the beginning of time. Similar to any other treatment it is an all-encompassing method, and the application of acupressure point can aid in healing. In order to target certain pressure points, the therapist can apply pressure on the skin using elbows or hands. Oriental medicine is founded upon the concept to use pressure points.


When you receive a shiatsu massage your therapist will evaluate your Qi (energy in your center) to find the most effective treatment for your particular needs. Shiatsu practitioners will conduct a series of questions to find out about your needs, goals, symptoms and determine the best technique for you. It is common for the shiatsu session will last around an hour, but some Therapists may want to work on you for more than an hour.

For locating the position of the points of energy, Shiatsu practitioners start by lightly touching your abdomen. The hara is a term used in Japanese, and it helps the practitioner to discover where energy points are on your body and where the energy flow is. The therapist then uses the feet, hands, and elbows to exert some pressure to these areas. A shiatsu massage typically takes about an hour, and may cause mild side symptoms, like fatigue and headaches. These tend to be only temporary and will disappear after some hours. If you do experience any of these, you are advised to consult a doctor.

In addition to improving circulation, shiatsu massages can useful for women throughout their cycle. While pregnant, shiatsu massages can trigger the labor of women who are overdue, and ease pain and swelling of the abdomen. In the case of arthritis sufferers the massage is a fantastic therapy. Because it improves circulation, shiatsu massage is able to decrease the effects of this condition. A shiatsu massage session will normally ease arthritis pain.

The Shiatsu massage may be beneficial to your overall wellbeing. Shiatsu massage can be good for your health. The therapist applies pressurized pressure to stimulate the energy points. It may aid in clearing meridians blocked and reduce tension. Shiatsu therapists may use their fingers to heat areas on the body. It can ease tension Extra resources and increase the body's flexibility. A shiatsu massage is a wonderful way to enhance the posture of your body. It can be used to combat a myriad of illnesses including muscle strains and tension.
